Saturday, March 24, 2018

First Quarter Report

So many things have happened in the last 3 months that a simple list seems most appropriate. So here goes:

My first Missionary Medicine Intensive Obstetrics talk went very well. My main creative endeavor this quarter was putting this course together. It was also the reason I haven't posted anything for the last two months.

Mindy and I learned a lot at a marriage conference that we are trying to put into practice. This was the biggest moment in our push to create more relational connection.

I'm still getting better at swimming. My times in various workouts are about 10% faster than just a few months ago.

I also found a great workout partner, who is starting to come over at least once a week to train in the home gym. I'm also starting to train to do handstands.

I finished several books and am most of the way through several others. Summaries are forthcoming, I promise.

I found some new podcasts. Perhaps I'll post on some of them later this year.

Work is going well. I'm now the clerkship site director for the inpatient PA student rotation.

Pepper keeps running away so we are having a fence and electric gate built. Which is yet another unanticipated temporal and financial outlay precipitated by our ownership of canines. Thanks, Pepper.

Lula went through her first heat. She does not seem to be pregnant. Thanks, Lula.

Molive the cat is great, as always.

I am still off Facebook and have no intention of rejoining. I am also limiting my Amazon usage as much as possible.

We bought 1/4 of a local cow in January and have been trying to go keto for the last 7 weeks, with limited success. I tracked my macros for the first week I was on keto, was not getting enough fat, and unintentionally lost 5 pounds. I have since gained it back, but haven't bothered to track my macros since then. I think have been decent at maintaining a high fat, moderate protein, low carb intake. And I am feeling better and have less headaches than before, as is Mindy.

We tracked our expenses for the month of February. We have a few areas we can trim but overall seem to be progressing steadily down the path toward financial independence.

My next project is building the shelves that will go in the library. Photos will be forthcoming as this evolves.

We have scheduled some camping this spring and summer along with other microadventures like kayaking classes.

I have not had the time or energy to make any videos for my vlog. It looks like that will take the backseat until my life frees up a little more (if that ever happens).

We just got another 4 inches of snow today, but spring is just around the corner. I'm looking forward to getting the garden up and growing!

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