Friday, October 26, 2018

Third Quarter Report

I'm a few weeks late getting this out, but here are the latest developments:

-Mindy and I are doing very well, and both of us are learning how to build an ever stronger connection. We also had a wonderful 3rd anniversary in the West Jefferson area. As I've reflected on connection as one of my two focuses of the year, I've realized in a deeper way that it must be a primary focus of each stage of my life, not just this year. More on that in an upcoming post.

-I've started a year-long leadership seminar at the hospital. We've only had one meeting, but I'm in a great group and excited to tackle a project with them next year.

-I'm working my way back through Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God, which has become my top religious book of the year. Brian Zahnd's take on central Christian issues such as salvation, the gospel, the afterlife, and prophesy has been a major wind in my spiritual sails as I continue to reconstruct what I believe as a post-Reformed, post-evangelical, newly progressive Christian.

-In that vein, Mindy and I have found a service we both feel at home in at Boone United Methodist Church, and am looking forward to deepening connections there over the coming months.

-We bought kayaks! Mindy and I took our new boats out for their maiden voyages just the other day, and it was every bit as magical as I had hoped. Looking forward to many a paddle on the New River and beyond. Photos here:

-I'm still biking, swimming, and starting to run more in anticipation of some triathlons next year. I'm also getting more into Natural Movement.

-Pepper had to get surgery for a paw injury last month, but he is finally healed. Lula is as crazy as ever. Molive the cat is great. Thistle the rabbit did have a prolonged bowel obstruction that has now healed with the addition of fresh greens to her diet. We are growing to love our animals more each day.

-Mindy and I went biking on the Creeper Trail with Norm and Cassidy Hogan and their kiddos a couple weeks ago. It was chilly but fun!

That's all I can think of for now! Deeper reflections coming soon.

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