Thursday, January 9, 2020

2019 in Review (and the 2010's!)

The big-picture themes for 2019, as I stated in my blog post preparing for the year, were

"reapproaching the Bible in a new way and generosity of spirit. My goal is to be more empathetic, warm, and understanding by the end of next year than I am now. Though I'll still be reading books and book summaries and posting my reflections, I'll be more focused on the emotional and relational side of life, which is where I stand to grow the most right now. And I hope that, as a result, joy and humor will flow like never before!"

It turns out that, roughly the first half of my year was spent on reapproaching the Bible through various books, meditations, and podcasts (which was great), while I shifted my focus onto generosity during the second half, culminating in accepting a foster baby in December. I also assumed the volunteer position of Medical Director at the Community Care Clinic, Boone's only no-cost clinic serving exclusively uninsured patients. Contemplation and Action! Just what the sages always prescribe. Though I fell short plenty of times, especially in the area of presence and warmth, I can honestly say I grew across most important domains this year.

Mindy and I continue to grow and put down roots in the High Country, and the fostering process has brought us together as a team like never before. We have become more committed at Boone United Methodist Church, and have found a wonderful, supportive small group to be a part of. We also took two big trips, one to Europe and one to Colorado-- which should satisfy the travel bug for years to come!

Triathlon season was a success, and I was able to kayak a few times, though not as much as I wanted. The garden did pretty well, and I found some field mushrooms to eat in our very own pasture and at Mindy's uncle's house in Colorado-- morels, no less. I made some great strides at work, especially in the areas of procedures and ultrasound, completed my leadership program, and helped plan for the new Family Medicine Residency starting in Boone this year.

As I turn my attention to 2020, I want to take a moment to be grateful not just for a full year, but for a wonderful decade. The past 10 years have seen me through medical school, residency, marriage, deconstructions, reconstructions, major travels, a real job, and, to close out the decade... a baby! Though we don't know if she'll be with us forever or not (we sure hope she will be), Mindy and I are offering our foster baby as much love as we can give. And there's no better way to end a decade or start a new one than with that kind of self-giving love. And lots of snuggles.

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