Sunday, April 12, 2020

Training update

As you can tell from the graph above, I spent the winter upping my running game and neglecting the bike, in preparation for the "Mortimer 100" relay running race on March 14th. Leading up to the race, I was feeling fit and had high hopes for my performance. But one thing I had noticed during my runs was that my iliotibial (IT) bands would consistently start hurting right around the 6 mile mark on runs-- which is what I limited my running distance to. Unfortunately, I was assigned three 7-mile sections of the race.

Sure enough, my IT bands started hurting with about half a mile left on my first leg. Despite massaging them as much as I could during my rest, they started back shortly after I started my second leg, and got worse... and worse... and worse. After alternatively walking and jogging for a couple miles, I threw in the towel. It just wasn't meant to be.

Though it was bad enough that I had to have other runners finish my portions of the race, the right knee pain I have experienced over the past month since the race has been much worse. I seem to have developed a moderate to severe case of patellofemoral pain syndrome, and am unable to run or do many of the other exercises I like to do. Fortunately, I've still been able to bike some, which has ticked up in the past month as you can see. I've also started doing daily rehab exercises to strengthen my quads, which I'm convinced is the underlying issue. But with the amount of pain I'm still experiencing, I anticipate it will be at least another month before I can start running again. I'm just going to have to be patient!

Taking my injury into account, and considering that triathlons may be cancelled anyway this year because of COVID-19, I've transitioned to thinking of this year as a rebuilding year. I'm going to rehab the heck out of my legs, and be stronger than ever this time next year. My IT bands have plagued me since high school, so I know that getting my legs stronger is not going to be a quick process. But if I'm ever going to complete a half-ironman, half-marathon, relay race, or any other long-distance running, I'm going to have to put forth the effort to get beyond this limitation.

Am I a little disappointed? Sure. But I'm also thankful that the relay race brought to my attention a nagging issue I would have needed to address sooner or later anyway... and that I hadn't yet signed up for any races or even purchased my yearly USAT membership yet. Plus, cutting back on triathlon training opens my schedule up for more kayaking!

I do wish I could still swim, especially on workdays, but it looks like the river is my only option until local pools open up again. As with many things over the past month, I've had to be flexible and adapt! And with this issue, I mean that quite literally.

Hopefully in another 16 weeks, I'll have good news about my leg. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to finish a sprint triathlon later in the year. Time will tell! Be well, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Literally the embodiment of the Phrase "GOOD" as used by Jocko Willink
